Digital Lending

CLOUD LIBRARYCloud Library allows you to browse and check out popular titles from your library. You can browse the shelves that your library set up by category or you can use the filter button to filter by genre. Easily transfer e-books to your e-reader. Cloud Library User Guide
CLOUD LIBRARY NEWSSTANDCloud Library NewsStand has access to thousands of magazines and newspapers from around the world. Expand your horizons from the comfort of your couch! **You can access the newsstand from the link provided or you can download the app. You will need to create a new account for Newsstand. Reading the magazines does not count against your CloudLibrary checkouts.
HOOPLAHoopla is an online digital collection of movies, TV shows, eBooks, eAudiobooks, and eComics available 24/7 with your Maryville Library Card. With the ability to enjoy on your computer, tablet, phone or even on your smart TV, the possibilities are virtually endless.
**In order to use, you must create an account, by clicking on "Get Started Today" **
Hoopla User Guides
TUMBLEBOOKSThe TumbleBook Library is a collection of free interactive animated talking storybooks for children. Children can chose to read the text or have the stories read to them. Stories are available in English, Spanish, French, and Chinese.