Library Internet Use Policy

Maryville Community Library Internet Access Policy

The Maryville Community Library offers free Internet access to patrons.

  1. The library accepts no responsibility for any software downloaded and/or installed, e-mail opened, or sites accessed while patrons are on the Internet connection. Any damage done to the Library’s equipment from viruses, identity theft, spy ware, plug-ins, or other Internet-borne programs is the sole responsibility of the patron. The patron indemnifies and holds harmless the library from any such damage.
  2. All users are expected to adhere to a “good neighbor” policy and should avoid extended periods of high bandwidth usage or any needless network traffic. Any form of file sharing or peer to peer applications is forbidden.
  3. The library provides access only to Web-based email. For Outlook or other email services, you must connect with your own Internet service provider.
  4. The Maryville Community Library’s Internet policy governs the use of these Public Computers. All users are expected to use the library’s Internet access in a legal and responsible manner, consistent with the educational and informational purposes for which it is provided. Users who violate federal, state, or local laws, including but not limited to the transmission or reception of child pornography or harmful material, fraud, or downloading copyrighted material will have their Internet privileges revoked.
  5. Any restriction or monitoring of a minor’s access to the library’s network is the sole responsibility of the parent or guardian.

These rules may be supplemented, altered, added to or changed by the Maryville Community Library at its discretion.